Award Videos/Audios
Find descriptions of the Awards Presented by the American Crystallographic Association here.
Tamir Gonen, 2023 Patterson Award Lecture, 2023 ACA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD “The Structure of Membrane Proteins"
Gregory Petsko – National Medal of Science 2022
Kristin Hutchins, 2023 ACA Margaret C. Etter Early Career Award, 2023 ACA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. "The Dynamic Side of Crystals: How Structure Influences Function in the Solid State”
Maged Chergui, 2023 Rognlie Award Lecture, 2023 ACA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD “Time-resolved X-ray Spectroscopy”
Airlie J. McCoy, 2022 Trueblood Award Lecture, 2022 ACA Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon "Molecular Replacement: Past, present and future",
Arthur J. Schultz, 2022 Bau Neutron Diffraction Award Lecture, 2022 ACA Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon “Single Crystal Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffraction: IPNS to SNS”
David S. Goodsell, 2022 ACA Fankuchen Award Lecture, 2022 ACA Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon “Art as a Tool for Structural Biology”
Julia V. Zaikina, 2021 Etter Award Lecture, 2021 ACA Annual Meeting, virtual "How to discover new solids containing alkali metals: predictive screening, facile synthesis, and in situ studies"
Jacqueline M. Cole, 2021 ACA Warren Award Lecture, 2021 ACA Annual Meeting, virtual "Molecular Engineering of Single-Crystal Optical Actuators"
Wah Chiu, 2021 ACA Buerger Award Lecture, 2021 ACA Annual Meeting, virtual “CryoEM Structures of Macromolecules”
James M. Holton, 2020 ACA Rognlie Award, 2020 ACA Annual Meeting, virtual "If I Had a Trillion Dollars"

Václav Petříček, 2020 ACA Patterson Award, 2020 ACA Annual Meeting, virtual "Don't Be Afraid of Modulated Structures"
Eaton E. Lattman, 2019 ACA Fankuchen Award, 2019 ACA Annual Meeting, Covington, KY “Simple-Minded Approaches to Diffraction Concepts”
Bryan C. Chakoumakos, 2019 ACA Bau Award, 2019 ACA Annual Meeting, Covington, KY "A Chronicle of Single-crystal Neutron Diffraction at Oak Ridge"

Robert Von Dreele and Brian H. Toby, 2019 ACA Trueblood Award, 2019 ACA Annual Meeting, Covington, KY “From 1972 to GSAS-II” and “Adventures in Symmetry with GSAS-II”
Simon J.L. Billinge, 2018 ACA Warren Award Lecture, 2018 ACA Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON Canada "A series of fortunate events: how the atomic pair distribution function method went from niche technique to mainstream and beyond"
Elspeth Garman, 2016 ACA Fankuchen Award, 2016 ACA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO "Travels in Protein Crystallography"

Benno Schoenborn, 2016 ACA Bau Award Lecuture, 2016 ACA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO "Neutron Protein Crystallography"

Gregory A. Petsko, 2015 ACA Buerger Award, 2015 ACA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA "Forty Years of Crystallographic Studies of Protein Structure, Function and Dynamics or Some Like It cold - But Should They?"
John R. Helliwell, 2014 ACA Patterson Award, 2014 ACA Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM "Synchrotron radiation macromolecular crystallography: instrumentation, methods and applications"

Thomas F. Koetzle, 2013 ACA Bau Award, 2013 ACA Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI "From the Amino Acid Structures to Metal Hydrides: Four Decades of Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction"
Thomas C. Terwilliger, 2013 ACA Kenneth Trueblood Award, 2013 ACA Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI "Molecular replacement and model-building using distant homology models as templates"
Richard E. Dickerson received the 2013 ACA Fankuchen Award. Alexander McPherson accepted the 2013 Fankuchen Award on behalf of Dickerson at the 2013 ACA Annual Meeting in Honolulu, HI and presented the lecture. "Let Us Now Praise Famous Men"
John C. H. Spence, 2012 ACA Buerger Award Lecture, 2012 ACA Annual Meeting, Boston “The Future of Diffraction Physics in Crystallography”

Ronald Hamlin, 2012 ACA Charles Supper Award, ACA 2012 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA "2-Dimensional X-ray detectors - What do we really want and how can we build it?"
David Watkin, 2010 ACA Fankuchen Award, ACA 2011 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA "Crystallography - The Gold Standard: Is it getting tarnished?"
Michael N. G. James, 2009 ACA Buerger Award Lecture, ACA 2009 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA "From Sillimanite to Structural Biology or from Minerals to Macromolecules"
Bi-Cheng Wang, 2008 ACA Patterson Award, 2008 ACA Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN "Resolution of Phase Ambiguity in Macromolecular Crystallography"
Helen M. Berman, 2006 ACA Buerger Award, 2006 ACA Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI "A Personal Journey Through Structure Space"