Historical Videos/Audios
 Marvin Hackert "Reflections of People, Places and Actions of the IUCr EC (2010-2021): A personal look back by Marvin Hackert”

80th Birthday Celebration for Bob Von Dreele: A Series of 22 Talks National Institute of Standards and Technology, December 4, 2023
 Interview with Prof. David Brown, inventor of the bond valence theory 2024 interview with Mojtaba Abbasi
X-Ray Diffraction: Precession Camera and Automated Diffractometer at Bell Telephone Laboratories Historically valuable 1960s video featuring Sidney Cyril Abrahams, Joel L. Bernstein, Robinson Burbank
2021 Transactions Symposium, “Function Follows Form: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Protein Data Bank,” 2021 American Crystallographic Society Annual Meeting, virtual Full Playlist
"Tribute to Rosalind Franklin 101 years on: her pivotal research on coal, DNA and viruses" at the 2021 American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting, Virtual Full Playlist
Michael G. Rossman, Memorial Session, 2019 ACA Annual Meeting, Covington, KY, USA Introduction by Janet L. Smith. Speakers: Jack Johnson, Eddy Arnold, Hao Wu, Rui Zhao, S. Saif Hassan
A. Michael Glazer, “2017 Bragg Lecture: The Wondrous World of Perovskites.”

Sir Fraser Stoddart, 2017 ACA plenary address, New Orleans, USA "How Crystallography Helped to Create a New Bond in Chemistry."

Symposium in Honor of William L. Duax at the 2017 24th Congress of the IUCr, Hyderabad, India (part 1) Symposium in Honor of William L. Duax at the 2017 24th Congress of the IUCr, Hyderabad, India (part 2)

Isabella L. Karle Isabella Karle, 2015 interview for the Atomic Heritage Foundation Isabella Karle, 2005 interview for the Atomic Heritage Foundation
2014 Transactions Symposium, "100 Years of Crystallography," 2014 ACA Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM
Cora Lind-Covacs "Fun with crystals, light and symmetry – IYCr outreach activities" Video — Text — Slides
Jenny P. Glusker, ACA 2014 Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA "Early Crystallographic Investigations by Nobel Laureate Dorothy Hodgkin"
Daniel Rabinovich, 2014 ACA Wood Award, 2014 ACA Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA "The World of Crystallography on Postage Stamps"
Alexander McPherson accepted the 2013 Fankuchen Award on behalf of Richard E. Dickerson at the 2013 ACA meeting in Honolulu, HI and presented the lecture. "Let Us Now Praise Famous Men"
Jenny P. Glusker, ACA 2012 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA "100 Years of Structure Deterimination"
Susan K. Byram, Charles F. Campana, Daniel F. Frankel, ACA 2012 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA "Evolution of Small Molecule Instrumentation in North America"
Donald Caspar, ACA 2012 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA "Origins of Structural Biology and Trials and Errors in its History: an idiosyncratic view"
Nobel Laureates Symposium, 1988 ACA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Donald Voet & Oliver Franklin "Introductions to the 1988 Nobel Laureates Symposium"
Donald Voet "Introduction to Linus Pauling"
Linus Pauling "Opening Remarks: Comments on the So-Called Icosahedral Quasicrystals"
Sir John Kendrew "Protein Crystallography in the Cavendish Laboratory in the 1950's"
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin "On Continuing the X-ray Analysis of Insulin"
William N. Lipscomb "Activity and Regulation in Aspartate Transcarbamylase"
Herbert H. Hauptman "A Minimal Principle and Its Role in Direct Methods"
Jerome Karle "Exact, Linear Anomalous Dispersion Analysis for Macromolecules"
Linus Pauling "Concluding Remarks: How Crystallography Has Changed"